Monday, July 31, 2023



God creates People

People are filled with pornographic fantasies

God's preachers preach that pornography is a sin, send you straight to Hell

But no Person who has died has ever unambiguously returned to the world of the living to tell us for sure about burning in Hell

In fact

There's no definitive proof of God, Hell, God's desire to punish People for having pornographic fantasies, life after death

No proof

We're supposed to take it all on faith

But even so

Taking it all on faith

We could still be misunderstanding God

Preachers are just People

Flawed People

Not little Godlings


It could be possible

That God is always reading our thoughts

Especially our pornographic fantasies

From the very beginning

From before the existence of the words pornography and porn and pornographic and fantasy

God just watching the flickering eroticisms in one hundred seventeen billion minds across two hundred thousand years

God's unlikely to even be aroused

Just think of how many people you know who beat off to cockroaches fucking

Be sure to make an accurate tally

So you see

A hundred billion channels

And nothing's on

But God can't stop watching

The One True God

Lonely at the top

No other God but God

No one to talk to

No one God can relate to

Even the Lord must pass the time

Can't stop watching

Probably why God hasn't written a new Gospel in awhile

Think of all the People who fail to write the Great American Novel because YouTube, XBox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch, Prime, YouPorn, OnlyFans, Instagram, Tik Tok, PornHub, Twitter, Facebook

So you see

The true sin of porn

Isn't the pleasure out of wedlock that the fundamentalists get so lathered about


Our nonstop multi-billion stream flow of hazy-glazey porno consciousness

Has captured the Lord

In an inescapable spunk scroll

He's not gettin' off

Humans can't stop doom scrolling

Even though it makes us feel like shit

God can't stop spunk scrolling

Not because He's bustin'

But because it's a fascinating, impenetrable wreck

Like watching a wave sweep away a thousand cargo containers 

Maybe there's some dread if you're a local

But if you're nonlocal

It's like a

I dunno

Like a screensaver

Tediously logical, irrevocable, certain 

It's just a thing that happens to coastal humans and the things they build at some point

There's a chart somewhere

Depend on it

Which brings us back to God

The most nonlocal of all

Burdensomely hypnotized

By collective porn stew

Of billions of human minds

Sorry, Big Guy!