Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Movie adaptations of comic books are now required to adapt all printed contents including all advertisements, in-house editorials, checklists, and letters pages. 

So, if there's an advertisement for a Dungeons and Dragons module, perhaps the hero(es) will embark upon a dungeon crawl as a secondary plotline.

If there's a Sam Goody's ad pushing an Alice in Chains four CD box set including an interactive CD-ROM featuring music videos and b-sides, then perhaps the villain listens to such music while plotting evil schemes. A fight scene can take place amidst digital projections of retro CD-ROM content to facilitate a stylish action set piece. 

Ads for the video game Frogger may translate into a character quirk that requires that they stomp on frogs when frogs are seen by the relevant quirk-bearing character. Comic relief of some kind is sure to ensue.

Checklists may also be incorporated as foundations for character quirks: perhaps the protagonist is, indeed, a comic book collector?

Fan comment from letters pages may be sprinkled in as various red herrings and/or gratuitous softcore scenes of awkward dry humping.

In-house editorials may be adapted as worldbuilding dystopian propaganda broadcasts where appropriate.

So you see, when adapting comic books advertisements, fan blather, and corporate preening may all contribute to enhanced creativity of derivative audio-visual outputs.