The staggering number of commercials for CYBER MONDAY bullshit airing after CYBER MONDAY has ended will no doubt spur rapid growth in time travel research and development as these out-of-date commercials increase FOMO levels inside people's brain chemistry. Basically, all the people who missed out on CYBER MONDAY and who never really gave much thought to time travel are suddenly thinking very seriously about how to go back in time. And the fact that all these silly CYBER MONDAY commercials are still airing-well, that's gonna push people to a crisis point. 'Cause folks will suddenly realize, "Hey, this isn't the first CYBER MONDAY I've missed. I've missed a lot of 'em. A fuck ton by a back-of-the-envelope calculation. But if I had a time machine it would be pretty easy to zip back along the timeline and experience ALL the CYBER MONDAYs. So that's why I'm gonna support only pro-time travel causes, politicians, and human experimentation initiatives." This sentiment will no doubt spread like wildfire, until all governments buckle under citizen pressure, and have no choice but to invest all of the tax dollars in making time travel happen. CYBER MONDAY. It isn't just a scammy bullshit marketing thing. It's also the Mom and/or Dad of time travel.