Saturday, November 12, 2022


If God created everything-the Cosmos-and I am just a part of that Cosmos . . . am I still a creation of God? 

What if God created Cosmos, but then left this reality or disowned Cosmos or keeled over from a heart attack or got zapped in an incidence of gun violence-lotta God's truest believers freak off for that Second Amendment action doncha' know-but however it happened, God somehow died or was murdered or, y'know, He stepped out for cigarettes and did not come back-God's dead or gone for good, yet He's already created the Cosmos that created me . . . is my true creator, then, Cosmos? I don't go around telling people that my grandmother squeezed me out-I always blame Mom. And the functions of Cosmos seem to be fairly reasonably accounted for by strictly physical laws and material causes and effects-prayer doesn't make a plane fly or a life-saving vaccine pop into existence; nor does having an intense subjective feeling of faith transfigure polluted water into a drinkable resource-

-look, I'm atheist as it gets, people. 

And yet . . . you know, you hear about "Acts of God," right? Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes . . . 

If God is my Creator . . . then that would make me, everything about me, an Act of God, as well, wouldn't it?

"Hello world! I'm an Act of God! Come see my can-can dance in Vegas! Come see the Act of God in residence through August!"

Doncha' think the marketing would be killer?

I think so. 

Proper and effective marketing is important to careers-especially in show business. The competition's fierce.

But what do you think Dear Reader?

Is marketing just hype? 

And what of guerilla marketing? Or was that played out by Che Guevarra and the Sandinistas?

Write your answers on the screen in creepy white ink and be suffused with the joyous purposefulness of Social Media!