Thursday, November 17, 2022


. . . I don't like any kind of creamer or milk or sugar with my coffee. But I'm always experimenting with different things I can eat with coffee. Sometimes full-on meal type things-omelets, turkey and cream cheese and tomato sandwiches, pizza-but more often it's snacky things, dessert items, the candy-esque. 

Like those mint chocolate Kit-Kat bars? I dipped them in my coffee. That was all right. 

Dipping soft chocolate chip cookies into my coffee-pretty enjoyable. 

But sometimes obvious things elude me, and I am brought up short by a shock of sudden realization. 

I was once sitting in an indie coffee shop, reading the novel Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, when I looked up from the page to sip my coffee . . . and I noticed an older gentleman poring over a newspaper while eating M&Ms and sipping his coffee.

My God, I thought, of course! M&Ms would go great with coffee. 

I take awhile, but I put it all together eventually.

BONUS: Do you like cookies? Do you like French Onion Dip? Try dipping your cookies in French Onion Dip!