Monday, September 26, 2022

Never a good sign for those in power . . .

 . . . when murderous projects of nationalistic militarism provoke dissent and protest on the part of the people. 

It's a part of American history: Vietnam; Ronald Reagan's nuclear sabre rattling; Iraq 2003; torture policies; the mass killing of noncombatants by drone strikes and other military operations ordered by presidents of both political parties as part of the Forever Wars on Terror; police brutality against Black Americans; and the overturning of Roe v. Wade by an illegitimate Christian nationalist Supreme Court have all provoked significant unrest and civil disobedience.

Now Vladimir Putin's getting a taste of this action. Will the people of Russia rise up en masse to resist his genocidal aggression against Ukraine? I have no clue. My understanding is that Putin's domestic programs of police state brutality and info lockdown keep the people compliant, but maybe the specter of a draft-of sons and husbands and fathers sent off to die for no good reason-will cause the Russian people to fight for a new moral center inside their own nation, as opposed to seeking corrupt imperial glory by force. We'll see.

I dunno. I guess I hope that the people of Russia will stand up to Putin because I'm so sick of scummy spies, torturers, politicians, warmongers, book burners, and oligarchic gangsters having their way with the world.

Time will tell.