Thursday, September 8, 2022



It is in the nature of the multicart that it is a selection of isolated cells containing ordeals disconnected one from another, with nothing to be gained by completing all of the ordeals within all of the cells. You enter a cell, suffer the activities it contains, and then you back out of the cell so you can choose another cell to enter and partake of some next set of self-abuses. There is a design to all this, yes, of variety and disconnection that shall obtain absolutely, with no hope of interconnection or revelation or meta-reward for enduring all of the ordeals within all of the cells. There is no special order to observe. In fact, there is no reason to enter any cell at all. Not even one reason. Not even one cell. No difference manifests between choosing to enter the cell of cells, or choosing to throw it all into the trash. Even if you paid a considerable sum for the multicart . . . no. You must reckon with the financial loss, with your deep frustration at getting ripped off, but you would do well to shitcan the multicart despite your loss. Chalk it up to experience. Let this regrettable expenditure teach you to choose more carefully in the future. This is the only wisdom to be gleaned from the perfect hell of a multicart.