Friday, September 16, 2022

The shartblime . . .

 . . . is that experience of the sublime within a shart. An example would be a Florida Man who, rather than clean himself, decides that it is truly fascinating to just sit with and in the moment of shartness, perhaps upon a couch watching NASCAR, or sitting behind a Governor's desk signing laws limiting access to voting rights. Alternatively, it may also be an experience of a shart when faced with the sublime. The sublime, in this case, may be the cause of a shart as one's bodily control is overwhelmed by a profundity of feeling. An example would be a Florida Man who has just eaten all he can at a country buffet and is then struck-like a bolt from the blue-with the realization that Taco Bell is open late. The ensuing shart-primarily an expression of overmastering awe-may also serve the purpose of making a little room for the incoming Fourth Meal. The shartblime is thus considered primarily as a spiritual and aesthetic experience, but it has also come to be considered as a prolific-and productive-trope within the literatures of existential capitalism.