Wednesday, September 14, 2022



No legitimate way to get it.

You gotta glitch into it, and that's if you're lucky and you got time to waste.

So hacking tools, data mining. 

But now we gotta wonder-is it legit? Or just a discard left in the code? 

Games are complex. Many hands in. It has long been the case in computing as a big umbrella endeavor that programmers will write code with various functions that simply become inaccessible due to unintentional structural errors. But video gaming at this late date comes under a ton of decentralized scrutiny. Countless calories of fan labor devoted to cracking open every last secret. Game devs know this, therefore it is not unreasonable to ask: are deeply buried secrets created by design to keep gamers chasing the high of discovery? Not to mention that long buried secrets brought to light can get a signal boost from media outlets, give sales a lift, burnish dev reputations-secrets have their uses, secrets can be good for business . . .

-April 1, 20XX