Friday, September 9, 2022


this is

the post nuclear

new clear . . . the new clear . . .

role playing game

that lets you be

who you want to be 

new . . . clarity . . . The . . .

put points into brains, communications, skill with weapons

New . . . Clarity . . .

you can even dial your capacity to communicate down to zero

most will not do this

the game steers you towards having an intelligence based approach balanced with some weapons skills

The New . . .

but you can be who you want to be

within limits

within the parameters of a violent post-apocalyptic survival game

you won't be taking up cosmetology, semiotics, or site maintenance custodial duties

but think on those Mad Max movies, you'll get the drift

. . . Clarity . . .

your mission is to save your insular community that lives in a subterranean survival complex known as a Vault by finding water purification equipment out in the World, but your adventures shape'n'sharpen you into a stranger by game's end, thus causing you to be cast out from your Vault, accursed to wander the radioactive wasteland

. . . The New . . .

it's a riff on Eden, I suppose

except with a bunch of Adams and Eves choosing to stay in the garden while You get scapegoated for learning of the Good and the Evil out there in the scary huge World

. . . Clear . . . The New . . .

the people of the Vault are grateful

but your ass has to Exit

Status Quo must be preserved

from You

who reeks of the New

. . . Clarity . . .

born of nuclear annihilation

kind of a bummer

but open for sequelization

across the decades


plural of decade

since 1997 A.D. (Anime Domini)

the year of Final Fantasy VII

. . . The New Clarity . . .

that product we already know

must be sold and resold 

perma-wander the wasteland

. . . The New . . . Clear . . .

not so new

-January 2009-September 2022